blueprinting small block oil pump

Does anybody have a good write-up or how to on this? All ive been able to find is, tear down, sand sharp edges, put back together. Is this all thats needed or are there tolerances / clearances that need to be checked and modified aswell?

All you really need to check are 3 critical clearances. The gap between the inner and outer rotors and the cover end play and the gap between the outer rotor and the body. You can just use feeler gauges. The gap between the outer rotor and the body should be less
Than .014, between the inner and outer rotor .010 or less and the cover and rotor end play maximum .004. Literally this is a go and no go with feeler gauges and a straight edge across the pump body with the rotors in there, try to put the .004 under the straight edge. If it does not go you are good as long as the rotors turn freely with the cover tightened up. IMHO.