Halo headlights and turn signal question

So in order for my simple mind to figure this out, I'm going to break it down by the numbers. And by numbers I mean the numbers on a relay.

So here it goes.

30 - Constant power source from circuit breaker. Could I possibly use the same circuit breaker that I'm powering the headlight relay as well?

87 - HALO Hot wires. Left and right. One relay for left one relay for right. Got it.

85 - ground. Wire both 85 sockets together and then tap into the parking light wire, to use the parking light circuit as ground.

86 - trigger\activation wire. Tap the left relay into the left turn signal and the right relay into the right turn signal.

85 and 86 switch back and forth over which one is ground and which one is trigger. Based on which has power at the time. And the other one defaults to being ground.

Does this sound about right."



Yes, one caveat. Some relays have built in diodes across the coils. You will need relays without them, or dig into the relay and remove. This is because coil current will be going in two directions. When the parking lights are on, current will go "from ground" through the turn signal lamp, through the relay coil, and to +12 on the parking light line

When you activate the turn signal, there will be 12V at both ends. If the parking lamps are off, the current will reverse. I'lll have to work this out I believe this will flash both parking lamps