Intro to a port job

I went ahead and did a mild bowl blend, which basically removed 1/8 from the I.D of the bowl and mild short side blend.

Now the numbers and a lesson for you...
.100 .... 36
.200 92
.300 145.9
.400 196
.500 219
Low lift is in the toilet.
Back to that pocket the intake sits in, shrouded and choked.... I took a very small bit and blended that lip all the way around the chamber side and re tested.

.100 59.6
.200 116.7
.300 170
.400 209
.500 224
Notice the low lift jump , not great, but it's there now.
I say it all time, dont sink the kills the low lift flow like you cant even imagine.
These heads need a good valve job.