Harness looming

No that's not it......... this is what I'm talking about:

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When you use it you have to carefully stretch it as you wrap the wiring harness. It takes a little practice to know when to stop stretching. If you stretch it too much it breaks but it's no big deal because you can easily tape over any breaks. Keeping the roll warm help a lot, it is rubber after all!! One roll goes a long way because it will stretch about 3 times the length of the roll. It gives you a waterproof seal and last basically forever and if you wrap your wiring carefully it will look just like the factory wiring. I'll never buy regular electrical tape again!! NEVER!! This stuff has no glue on it, no sticky stuff..when you remove it it comes off clean and leaves no sticky residue.
If you've ever unwrapped electrical tape and got your fingers all black and sticky then you know what I'm talking about, you can't touch anything else without getting that sticky crap all over everything!!

I always find it at Home Depot!!

Found it! I'll be picking that up after work today. Thank you very very much.
