Our First NFL Game!!

Great stories! I've seen lots of TB vs Toronto bb games on TV. High fly balls are always an adventure in TB.
There was always a heckler that was loud as heck close to home base on 3rd base side. He had season seats lol. Could hear him clear as day on TV. I think he got bought out lol
Manon is/was an absolute sweetheart. Being a good goalie was a bonus too lol.
Dang! You’ve had some experiences! As far as I know the goal posts were straight under normal circumstances but at times it was windy enough that they were moving around quite a bit! That was trash blowing around everywhere and a few hats were blown off heads! Lol

Lol, i cant remember where I was in Cinci exactly GB, It was more of a friendly jab then being scared, but it definitely was a sketchy part of the city.
If you're from Cincy, you learn to accept disappointment from sports teams.
On a bright note, we do have UC B-ball and Football, and Xavier too.

Don't know where you went in Cincy that scared you. The worst place used to be OTR (Over The Rhine) before the yuppies moved in. Now its Price Hill or maybe Avondale. Neither place is on the beaten path. There's never really been anyplace in Cincy that will cause you trouble, unless you're just out looking for it.