Have you had your gall bladder removed?

I am interested in hearing your experience after having your gall bladder removed. How much does it alter your diet? Do you take medicine to counteract the after effects of the gall bladder not being there? The reason I am asking, is that I have 2 different doctors urging me to have my gall bladder out. I have a stone sitting in my gall bladder, and they are both worried that if it comes out and gets into my common bile duct, that it will cause big time problems. They say the surgery to remove a stone from the common bile duct is much more risky than a common laproscoptic gall bladder removal. I just spent several days in the hospital with a mystery illness that they finally traced to an infection in my blood. They say it was caused by my gall bladder acting up and triggering the blood infection named Klesbella. I am fine now, but the docs are worried about it returning tomorrow or 10 years from now and being much worse. I really just want to hear how your life is after gall bladder removal. Dr. Charles..... please feel free to chime in if you see this! Thanks to all in advance.

I am what the doctors call a stone farmer. I have had 15 kidney stones and as of now I have many laying in the kidneys waiting to mess up a perfectly good day. My gall bladder was also full of stones, surgeon said it looked like a gumball machine. It caused me major discomfort. I had it removed and never regretted it. I eat anything I want but fried food at times does not set well. I take no medication for the lack of the gall bladder.

One thing to be aware of. I was told I could create stones in the duck left after the surgery. This would require going down the throat into the stomach to attemp removal.
My advice do it.