Have you had your gall bladder removed?

Both my inlaws had theirs out within a year of each other. MIL was having pains, etc. and the docs said take it out. FIL had an attack that put him in the hospital, he thought it was a heart attack, the pain was so intense. Both were fine very soon after the surgery.

FIL has had onion and pepper allergies all his life, and was always very careful about what he ate, within the last few years, it seemed he could eat nothing but white bread and water without having to take something for his stomach. After they removed the gall bladder, he could eat a lot more foods without upsetting his stomach.

MIL, on the other hand, could eat almost anything before the surgery. Now she's really sensitive to fatty meat. I made ribs one night a few months after her surgery, and she was in the bathroom blowing chunks a half hour after dinner. But other than the meat issue, she feels much better. She realized she had been living with varying degrees of pain for several years that is now gone with the gall bladder out.