Want to pose a question

My wife and I share a checking and a savings. Both our checks get direct deposited into the checking.

We use our joint credit cards (some in her name, some in mine) to pay all our bills, if they aren't on auto pay. Then pay the credit card each month.
I keep all my receipts and write on them, if it's not clear what they're for. She reconciles everything each month and we can see where ou money is really going.

I guess my only question is why did you need to keep track of your debits separately?
Because she deposits money and only uses debit card for everything including $5 purchases, sometimes 25-30 purchases a week slight exaggeration, then i have to try ro reconcile the checkbook weekly and make it jive, with no help whatsoever. When i do question a purchase or debit i didnt make theres times she has not written it down and then an argument ensues over who did that pruchase or debit. I was done with that, because all i use it for is bills and gas in my car.