The future

Dicer do not underestimate the power of just 1 horse between your legs!! Taking a spill at 35 can be pretty good jolt, the power of a cutter out manouvring that cow can get your back way out of joint real bad and real quick, etc.. lol
I read this from he head of SEMA and Coker Group. He predicts the cars being restored and worked on 10 years from now, will be in general, pickups and 80's cars. He did not say if the 80's autos would be US or foreign made!
I agree the car hobby is stronger and bigger than ever. More people spread over a larger area, the modern muscle on down the older stuff.
Everything runs in cycles. Everything, be it good or bad. The 80's offered little in the new auto world to excite us. So why did we turn to the 60's era cars back then?? duh.. Today 700 hp and up, from the factory, TV full of car programs, U Tube too, puter full of sites like here etc etc., so why is the hobby dying????? Don't think so.