
If Verizon is your Internet provider I'm guessing that means it is a 4g cellular internet box. Technically it is fast enough to stream video, realistically you will probably get what you are describing, which is buffering. If other devices such as computers and cell phones are hooked up to the device through WiFi the speed it provides might not be able to keep up with a full length video stream.

Are you in the city close to a Cell tower? If you are connected to this device on your computer as well try this:

Use google to search speedtest google

View attachment 1715261635

It will start testing automatically. It will tell you if yours is fast enough to stream video.

View attachment 1715261634

I realize in this instance it doesn't really matter that much, but the google speed test isn't very accurate from where I am.
Google shows around 20mbps for me, and in reality I'm more around 60mbps.

Still I can tell you his problem is Verizon and the amount of data it's trying to transmit.
I have done a lot this kind of trouble shooting regarding Verizon in our business and the only way I would use them is if it was the ONLY way to get internet.:D