The Metric System

I was reading another post about how we prefer to use cubic inches to describe our motors (me included) and it got me thinking...
I was born in the 50's, and I grew up in Canada. When I was in grade school, we used feet, miles, pounds, cubic inches, degrees Fahrenheit, etc. So that's what I learned first, got comfortable with, and it all still makes perfect sense. Then in the early 1970's, Canada converted to the metric system. Everyone bitched and moaned, we struggled with it for about 5 years, but the more we used it, the easier it was. Even my Dad... who was a stubborn, tough WWII vet, eventually came around to the benefits of the metric system, and more or less accepted it.
These days I work in an engineering field, so everything is in metric anyway. However, I still refer to lots of American made motors by their cubic inch displacement. Harleys too.

But, did you know that there are only 3 countries in the whole world who do not use the metric system? The United States, Liberia, and Myanmar. Everywhere else is metric. It's only a matter of time before we are too.