2JZ VVT engine swap in an Early A Body?

So does dealing with japanese made stuff only apply to hotrodding and cars but buying televisions stereos and all other household eletric and electronic appliances okay, afterall they sucker punched us at pearl harbor. And whats up with hondahp@redline all about under your picture of the american flag

If you could boycott them across the board, that would be great, but I understand parts are subbed out to the lowest bidder and come from all over the place, so it might not be feasible
But, not putting an entire engine they build in your mopar, that you can do

As for the writing on my avatar, I'm not sure why your only seeing half
The whole thing reads : horsepower@idle > hondaHP@redline
(Claiming my mopar makes more power idling then a Honda does at redline)

But, to be clear, most of this is just hyperbole
I don't mind if you stick a YZ engine in there, but it just isn't anything I'd stop and look at...i just don't car for that kind of crosspolination