Crane Gold rocker mystery??

This post has certainly meandered a little from the original post. No idea why those punch marks would be there, you say they are marks from drill holes from underneath? So you are saying the holes go almost all the way through and those marks are from the drill almost breaking through? That's how I read it. Feel free to Kick my A if that has already been addressed in the discussion. In any case they look to be man made and pretty stupid thing to do on a highly stressed component. For my 2 cents, about Crane Gold rockers, half the ones I have seen on middle HP engines were pure junk. According to Mopar Mike above, they had some issues and my mechanic at around that time (late 90s to mid 2000s) used about three sets of them on his engines (360's) before giving up, as they kept failing. He kept replacing them individually as they failed and gave up in the end. So after seeing these things first hand, I would never buy them or use them. Change around the saying, "Not all that glitters is gold", for these rockers, it would be, "Not all that is Gold, glitters"