Really cool power ports.

This might get moved to electrical, i put it here for more exposure though however, If i had to guess , a lot of the guys and gals on here probably dont smoke, and have seen and probably have the plug in power ports for your cigar lighter sockets in your cars. I have em, and they suck.

Well i was cruisin on evilbay, and found these nifty power ports that replace the cars lighter socket. The nice thing here is you already have the hole in the ashtray frame, and a switched hot going to it. All you need to do is add a ground for one of these. I found a 4.2A dual USB charger socket with over circuit protection, and a digital volt gage built in, i have also seen these without the volt gage but backlit around the ports with 2.1A capacity too. This is a great idea to retrofit into these older cars we enjoy. Heck i am going to put one in my old pickup truck, and my daily driver too.

