Really cool power ports.

This might get moved to electrical, i put it here for more exposure though however, If i had to guess , a lot of the guys and gals on here probably dont smoke, and have seen and probably have the plug in power ports for your cigar lighter sockets in your cars. I have em, and they suck.

Well i was cruisin on evilbay, and found these nifty power ports that replace the cars lighter socket. The nice thing here is you already have the hole in the ashtray frame, and a switched hot going to it. All you need to do is add a ground for one of these. I found a 4.2A dual USB charger socket with over circuit protection, and a digital volt gage built in, i have also seen these without the volt gage but backlit around the ports with 2.1A capacity too. This is a great idea to retrofit into these older cars we enjoy. Heck i am going to put one in my old pickup truck, and my daily driver too.

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We have a few of those around here, and they work great.
My Dart has a dock that I made using a phone case with a car charger wired up under the dash and is mounted on the front edge of my dash just to the right of my steering wheel.
Not only does it charge my phone (weather they key is on or not) it also directly connects the phone's headphone jack to my stereo auxiliary input at the same time.

This gives me visual "turn by turn" right in front of my view with voice over my stereo that mutes the music and says what it needs to say, and then the music volume comes back up afterwards.
Same with texts, phone calls and any other audio or visual notifications.
Also, the Seri button is right there as well so I can voice command to send texts or phone calls.
Also I have a digital speedometer app that I sometimes check my speedometer with.

You could literally race someone to a place you have no idea where it is, because the voice over the stereo tells you which way you need to turn as well as what lane you need to be in AND the street name and how far ahead the turn is.
This includes how far you are from your destination at the speed you are going along with the total trip miles shown on the screen.

I'm tellin ya, I'm getting spoiled by this setup.:D