Friends of Bill. W

They advise against this, but my fishing buddy for over thirty years quit cigarettes and alcohol at the same moment. After 52 years most of th8e crazy worked its way out of him.
Yes I know I had quit dipping once before and knew how hard it was and i knew how hard quiting alcohol was going to be and I didnt want to do it twice. So i did it at the same time. It was never easy. And as much as I hate to admit it 3 years later its still not. But for the sake of my family I have not stumbled or anything.
So sorry to hear this.
I sponsored a kid whose father never failed to remind him of what a piece of crap he was, and how much better his older brother was. At 22, he gave up and shot himself.
My dad quit on 26 Sept., 2009. Gunshot to the head.
I can only hope they found the peace they couldn't find in life.
That is incredibly sad im so sorry. For all the others that have lost loved ones im so sorry I have been on both sides of it as a recovering alcoholic I know torture you put yourself thru and as the son of an alcoholic I see the hell it puts the family thru. My dad was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who was sober for 21 years and about 10 years ago started again the last 3 years since I have been clean our relationship has been a struggle.