230 Block Question

from july to sept,i have 3 230 blocks,one is 12-7-71 not thick web,also beware of frost cracks between freeze plugs as I have 2 that is cracked,one block I paid high bucks for,everyone thinks,these are the #1 race block for low decks,but for many years racers has been using the 630 blocks which have thicker bores,if your building a race motor,go with a later block,same goes with the 440
Looking at my main webbing, it looks thick and very beefy. i often wondered if chrysler made some til the end of the yr and didnt document. Mine had bad core shift and had to fill within 3" from the deck. I have a 530 block as a spare. I think the later blocks are the way to go because of the thicker bore/less core shift.