Glad a postal worker piped up. I believe you are right. With total disregard, how many times have you thrown packages into a gated property where you knew there were dogs? I trust you never did.

I already read the postal claims info on the web before I posted this rant. I get fucked over either way by a lazy *** postal worker who doesn’t have the common decency to respect people property. Sad thing in this world is people only remember the Shitty ones and not the hard working postal workers.

Btw we have a secure entry onto our private drive shared by our neighbor. So the MOU would not hold water in my opinion. Clearly the carrier is WRONG here IMO.
1. I never threw packages into yards. I always left a notice to pick up at P/O. Of course I had people ***** because I didn't toss the package. You can't please everyone.
2. I don't know the carrier that did this, I can't speak for him. But if you ever spent a day with a carrier, you'd never call them lazy again. It's hard work.
3. You may be right, there is a separate MOU would dictate that the boxes for all the homes on the private drive be moved to a public access. But, unless the private drive is also gated (if that's the case why is yours?), the drive is accessible to the public and therefore the 1st MOU stands.
4. IMO the dogs shouldn't have been out and left unsupervised at any time. Dogs are dogs and find ways to do things they shouldn't. Case in point.

So your telling me that throwing packages onto the ground in front of my porch or leaving them on the porch in the rain is an approved receptacle? The last mail carrier we had left packages in the car all the time
Especially if it was raining or she knew we wasnt home.
I wouldn't leave them in the rain, I would leave a notice. But yes, leaving a package on a porch is allowed. Leaving in a car or truck is a big no no. The carrier that did that could have gotten into trouble if caught.