Anyone Ever Deal With Gout

I don't care about your idle words.
The man has a problem that cannot be cured by medicine. Medicine only eases the pain. Gout like Arthritis and a vast assortment of other sickness,disease,and infirmities, are spiritual problems, and must be dealt with on a spiritual level. I offered what worked for me, and gave my testimony. You can keep on rambling if you want to, cuz I see who you are, and you too have a spiritual issue. Maybe we can get to the bottom of it together.
You know why I don't fix TVs? Cuz I don't know how and there are enough TV fixers in the world that they don't need me.
But I do know how to get rid of Gout for at least two years and counting. And if the evil Gout returns to me, I will bounce him right back to his side of the fence. If you cannot understand this, that is a problem that can be dealt with. If you do know this, and freewill choose to ignore it,and keep on rambling, I see who you are; do not deny this man his healing with all your idle words.