How far have you driven just to pick up an engine.

When my wife seen the duster she said "it's going to have a four-on-the-floor correct? I said ya sure! I found one on Craigslist ($800 tranny bell housing shifter linkage flywheel and a big block dust cover? Close enough it was still a great deal) a few weeks after we bought the car as pretty much a basket case. I found one in the Puget Sound area north of Seattle and we live in Portland. I had to work and my wife drove back and forth for the 4 Speed (3 hours 185miles each way). I told the guy he can put boxes of Muffler bearings in there and my wife wouldn't know none the better(back then!). That's the 4 Speed that we've been using ever since. It's worked fine, I've rebuilt it not quite needing it but putting in the parts that I wanted. She was not my wife then but for the obvious reasons is clearly my wife now!