Red Headed Stepchild-75 Swinger LSX Swap

Today was quite the busy day for the dart and I.

I got the lower radiator hose sorted finally thanks to an idea that dawned on me when I was looking through all the rad hoses at autozone. I ended up using one of the radiator repair spacers and simply joined them together and rotated the other larger diameter house to meet the angle I needed so it wouldn't pinch or bind.

Then I got both filters back on and made sure everything cleared.
After that was done I shifted gears Into front mount Intercooler. It may seem like its mounted a little low, which is lower than i originally intended. But it gives me the clearance I need for the two pipes coming from the turbos, and sits low enough to get it's own air supply and leave some for the radiator too, and still sits higher than those old school mopar oil pans that drug the ground. The lower 3" intercooler pipe literally sits slam up against the bottom of the lower rad support with just enough room for the coupler and clamp.
It looks close but I have room to 45 or 90 out of the intercooler and then run it back to compressor cover outlets.
After that I situated the 3 inch pipe from the intercooler to intake and got it taped up and marked so its ready for welding.
Now I have to get the other 2 cold side pipes laid out and marked up, figure out blow off valve placement and then get them welded too. All my couplers are en route via usps too.

I also got the stainless steel bolts on both turbos. So no more garbage bolts holding things together.

Ta da! I also got a rad cap too. Lol