Early A interest.

I will say it seems like there's more people Reviving these early a cars recently. I think that's totally awesome
Including myself.
When I got my 65 convertible Dart Project 4speed Magnum swap last year, at the time didnt think I'd be into it like 67 up cars.It's been growing on me.
And most parts arent being reproduced
makes it even more unique.

Nice job FABO members.
I love my 66 dart convertible. I had a 66 dart convertible back in high school as my first car I had ever bought. When I found this one I just had to have it (in my price range of cheap and really cheap) I don't mind a little work since I semi retired, but it proved to be a LOT of work. Good thing is I actually relaxed working on the car and had fun doing it. if I ever get to finish it that is. too many projects making parts FOR the car and not enough time working ON the car again.

here is before I started working on it (just opening up the can of worms )

and here is where I'm at now while rebuilding the engine and transmission it took 7 months for that darn door seal to get into the correct alignment. that pic was a week into door seal replacement. and trying to figure out how to finalize my rear seat belt setup with the sebring seats.