Overkill or just badass

We dont just haul old mopars around. Lol. We do alot of heavy hauling and are always on the edge if not past our trailers capacity. My son hauls haying equipment for farmers during the season. Sometimes with their trailers and rigs, sometimes with ours. We participate yearly in the local tractor shows, pulls and parades. Our pulling tractors are very heavy and often barely fit the deck. We have to make multiple trips to get them all to the two week show as some loads only haul one piece whereas the small garden pullers can fit several on. We haul produce for farmers, distilleries, etc. Our set up is really showing the wear and tear, so that over the need to haul an offroad rock crawler is more pressing the need for a big set up. Not one that barely gets it done. We use our trailer every month at least to haul cars, tractors, machinery, building supplies, etc.