Ported Edelbrock versus W2 out of the box !

You mean like all those 700, 800, 900, 1000hp builds based on the 360-1, W8, W9, Victor heads that are all closed chamber.
I haven't seen a W2 make north of 650 myself. Which IMO, I think is awesome for a head designed and released in the early/mid 70's. A W5 could take you further, if it holds up under porting.

.100—-70.5/67.5 .........100 ---76.1/57.1
.200—139.1/142.8 .......200 - 124.3/111.0
.300—203.2/207.6 .......300 - 159.3/150.0
.400—237.5/241.2 ........400 - 177.4/167.1
.500—252.8/256.1 .......500 - 179.3/170.8
.600—255.5/260.6 .......600 - 181.4/174.4

My W5 flow differences;

My guy @ on the left w/a 4.03 plate
Porters report on flow 4.125 plate

100 - 60.......53........ Not recorded
200 - 115.5 ..100.4.........121...112
300 - 172.5...141.8.........180...252
400 - 230......176.9.........228...284
500 - 275.7...198.1.........278...206
600 - 294......212...........308...218
700 - 288.6.....222__________235

A shame they gave up the ghost at this level.

A similar build to the one I posted the dyno sheet on, built several years earlier...... with a roller cam, more porting, 2.05 valves, and a regular Victor with a 4150/4500 adapter and a 1050 dominator made 589hp.

10.2’s @132 at about 3200lbs.
WOO! - HOO! Would you have the head & cam specs on that build?

I have to agree with you. A big inch small block with wel done Edelbrock heads will make some nice power on pump gas which is all the rage and I can't argue ether. It is noise to have that HP and big torque on tight quench pump gas in a small package. In the past, that is how I did my 360's. Zero deck w/Edelbrocks and a .039 head gasket make a nice engine. Simple to build really. Nothing fancy, makes good power.

With a 420+ cube engine on the track, your giving A LOT away to the upper W's. They would be great if they weren't SO cost prohibitive in the past. WAY outta my league. They still are today for the most part.

Buy chance.... would you have any comparisons for the W9 VS Victor head available?
OOTB & ported?