2019 summer race.... Jadaharabi vs 318willrun

Yellow Cab don't pay any attention to the number one curmudgeon. He's up set because Yellow Rose beat him at bench racing. I think he's gone off his meds (Squirt and chocolate chip cookies).
YC451 show us a pic of your car.
Yeah let's see a picture of your car! Prove to these two dull butter knives that you're not just yellow roses alter ego?
Aslo fishermans67?
Yes you are correct yellow rose was the winner of the bench race! And then took all of his winnings and ran to Moparts. I am the winner of the real race.
now I'm going to go up there and officially vote for jab because he is actually putting wheels on his car and trying to make something better while 318 will not win is putting more junk together.