New fiberglass hood: Has anyone ever had success with flat black rattle cans?

I don't doubt that it's possible...I'm just wondering if it's realistic for a person of average skills to accomplish this. :D

My AAR Fiberglass "six pack" hood is slated to arrive this week. I've heard that they generally don't require a huge amount of prep (and I'm hoping this is true!). Like everything with my car, I'm stumbling into this project blind...Having this hood finished professionally would really put a hurt on the mod budget...and the budget in general, honestly.

My basic shopping list for the job will be as follows:

1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee hood springs
Sanding sponges with various grits
Glazing and Spot Putty (Bondo brand?)
Plastic filler spreaders
Rustoleum Filler Primer/sandable
Some kind of all weather/automotive satin black

They didn't have this hood in stock so it was evidentially just laid for this order. I presume that this means that it could still need some time to fully cure/off-gas... So the plan will be to let it breathe for a while. Unfortunately the CT sunshine isn't so reliable in January so sitting in the heated garage will have to do. I'm thinking a week or two?

Meanwhile, I will figure out how to pull the fenders without damaging anything (maybe easy for many of you guys in this section of the forum but I've never done it) and figure out if these springs are actually going to work...

Then, wipe the thing down, rough up the gelcoat with medium grit, fill in any pinholes, attempt to level any low spots, primer, sand, primer, sand, then do a ton of thin coats with the black. Plausible?

This will be my first attempt at working with a fiberglass panel so any suggestions regarding other things that I might need, preferred brands, etc. would be extremely welcome.
First few years before I was able to paint the car I rattle canned my hood and it wasn't too bad for the most part. When ever needed I just light sanded and sprayed it again.
When I did finally paint it I used this. Turned out great and very good price.
KemPhlats Hot Rod Black Urethane 1.5 Quart Kit

Run up to Harbor Freight and get there 15 dollar spray gun and go to town on it.