Bad dealings with Superbeesrt8 Beware!

4spdragtop, Ive already given in to the fact I am not getting any resolution on this. I can live with that. Now I want to make sure anyone that ever thinks of dealing with him knows he doesnt stand up to his end of a deal should there be any issues. Maybe it will keep members from dealing with him. Im hoping so!
Toolmanmike, thats what Im trying to remove and I dont see anyway to do that from a text. I dont mind mine being posted and I really dont care about Superbeesrt8's being posted however Im not that kind of person that would do that so Im holding off trying to figure a way!!
I will figure something out as I dont want this guy cheating someone else!
And I want all actual info on the table! not hear say.
Our word on a deal should be our bond, no matter whether part are new or used!