Selling overseas

Question for the ladies and gentleman.
When you sell a car from the USA to over seas. What process do you use for completion of the financial transaction? I have a gentleman in New Zealand that wants to purchase one of my cars. He has a broker in the US who handles the electronic money transfer. My bank gave me a routing number and a generic account number that would flag the bank when it arrived. The broker attempted to transfer the money but says they need my personal account number to complete the transfer. I am not willing to disclose my account number to anyone.

Please don’t think I am being scammed, he is a member of this board and a stand up guy. But I am not comfortable having my account number with brokers and the brokers banking institution.

How do you folks handle this? My bank has informed me that they will no longer be involved in this transaction.

Normally when i buy US cars to ship to Australia i use Amex Foreign exchange fast & cheap they take from my account & deposit directly into your account
Takes 1 to 2 days .