heart attack

HEART ATTACK! Rings the same tone as CANCER! to some ears. Here's the thing... If your pump isn't working right, blood and oxygen isn't flowing right, modern medicine goes in a fixes it. You weren't poisoned with chemo, you were repaired. You are supposed to BE better. The heart surgeon says, "I fixed you, carry on", and walks out of the room.
The not FEELING better is mental. Worrying about your "ticker", the future recurrence, becomes depression.
My dad had a 5 ways bypass at early 50s. He went through all the same head games as some of you guys. Never returned to work. Saw a psychiatrist, took antidepressants, changed his diet to mostly beans, veggies and fruits.
He could spend an hour on a tread mill and never break a sweat, carry on conversation while at a jog pace. His body was a lot better than it had been in very long time. We all could see it. He didn't FEEL it. Going fishing was too far away from the hospital? Hell he could run to the hospital if he needed to. LOL
He has been back a few times for stent installs over the years. First time was at about 62. That was when he recognized how much better his body functions and feels after a fix. He discovered that if you recognize and focus on the body feeling good, the mind will follow.
Today... He just turned 80. Says he might outlive all of us. "It'll have to be something besides my heart that kills me". He knows it was his mind and not his body that prevented his returning to work after the bypass surgery.
We are all different. That's why heart attack doesn't ring the same tone to all ears, doesn't effect all minds the same way. If you need to see a psychiatrist, by all means do.