Vinyl Chrome for Fiberglass Bumper

Easy Chrome - The World's Most Exotic Finishes

If you guys haven’t seen this, then you need to look at it. I’ve used it on motorcycles and some trim for a few years. It’s almost the same as chrome but by far better than wrapping it. This stuff is durable and lasts. Super easy to apply and literally looks better than a wrap. 140 bucks but you can do way more than that bumper with the leftovers. So any interior or exterior pieces that need shined up..... this will do you fine. You can apply it with a paint brush or with a spray gun. And it’s chrome within minutes. So anything that has pitting on it, just sand it down and lay a coat of gloss black on it then spray this right over top and clear. Never any issues.

That looks an awful lot like "alclad" , a paint I used to use to chrome model parts