Freaking nightmares.

That makes sense to me but what causes that feeling of something holding you down.
I could tell you what I experienced, what I concluded, and what my solution was, and why it doesn't happen to me any more.

Look ;I get that pharmakia works, cuz the evil one has demonstrated his power to emulate the power of God Almighty, for thousands of years, hence we have many religions founded on some type of satanism, and even the Israelites got sucked in. Which is why God-Almighty YHWH is his name, divorced them for awhoring after other gods.
But Believers, not necessarily modern-Christians, ought to put their faith in the risen from the dead and now living, Son . Learn His name and banish the diseases of the Gentiles from your body. I had complete relief from pain in three days, and all my former strength back in three weeks..... with no pharmakia of any kind.
Not only ought we to have nothing to do with pharmakia, but we are commanded not to. And why is that?.......... Because it is based in sorcery says the Bible, the evil works of the evil one which is why most pharmikia has an evil side-effect, locking you to it, perhaps forever; cuz satan wants you dead,dead,dead, before you get a chance to be redeemed.
As to the demons that come in the night, invisible or not, that sit on your chest and paralyze you, well I already said my piece. If you endure them, you do it out of lack of faith, or lack of works, or pure foolishness, or some combination.
I know, I know, you think I'm the foolish one, but you know what?, My God keeps me free of thatchit, cuz He promised to, when He went to the cross. I believed it, and my faith was honored. Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the Word of God. Read what the disciples were doing at the time of Jesus,not His real name, and what they were charged to do after Jesus ascended to take His place at the Right hand of His Father, YHWH is His name. Only a fool has said in his heart; "there is no God" , and the fools go down to the pit, to await Judgement Day, then the Second Death,namely; the Lake of Fire.
Get on God's side and say goodbye to thatchit; He created you, and He knows how He designed your body to work, and He knows exactly how to fix it. But you gotta get on His side.
Yeah so I'd say good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it.
Here's the best I got for you, a blessing every Believer, in their own words, should practice;
May your Creator God Almighty, YHWH is His name, have MERCY on you, and open your understanding to see the truth in the atoning Blood of Jesus(not His real name),and to remove the veil between you and His Word,that you might come to the saving knowledge of His finished work on the cross, and that you might receive a measure of Faith,and the promises of God- YHWH is His name, given to the obedient Children of Abraham thru Jacob and Isaac, over 2millennia ago.
Get your Faith. Get with the program. And bind those evil spirits and cast them straight into outer darkness, the thing they fear the most. Do not talk to them, do not listen to them,do not preach to them; there is nothing you can tell them that they don't already know as most of them are at least 4500 years old. There are many thousands of them
And as to demons, there are millions of them.
so get started.
time is running out.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot; where is this outter darkness?,lol. thinkaboutit.