Freaking nightmares.

When Jesus left this Earth, He left us with the Holy Spirit, and a mandate to do Greater things than He did. God Almighty and His Son are no longer on this Earth, but rather are sitting on their thrones in their Holy Place, looking down on us below, on the circle of the Earth, and we appear as grasshoppers to Him. hat is from Isiah I think.
We have to have Faith and we are supposed to do the work... in the Son's name. We cannot do the works without Faith, and Faith is dead without works. This has nothing to do with Salvation so don't confuse the two. These two have a symbiotic relationship. And you only need a tiny bit of Faith, as Jesus said whoever has the faith of a mustard seed, can move a mountain. When a person invites Jesus to be Lord in their life, that person is given a measure of faith. Some plant the measure in their soul and reap multiple measures. And some ground is stony, and the seed never takes root.Let not that person think his salvation is secure for even what little he has will be taken away. There is a plan that was put into effect just over 2000 years ago. Follow it and your entrance into the NewKingdom is assured. Be a pew-warmer and hear the words of the Son; " I never knew you".
After I had my first encounter with the "night terrors", I had already been a Believer for something like 14 years and a Christian for 6 more on top of that, having been baptized in year 1994. Hyup I was a pew warmer for about 6 years.
But of course the first time they come, it's like WTH, I thought I was immune! But even Believers are not immune, in fact those black-punks are a test to see how we handle ourselves. Believers will be tested by God as it is written. Count it all glory to be tested cuz God has you on His radar.
So the second time, I had done some reaearch, which showed that we could "resist the devil and he will flee from you". Ok but how do I resist? Answer; I am to bind them using the proper name of Jesus(not His real name), and cast them into outter darkness. Ok so on the second encounter, I was just able to squeek out Gee-sus. But I had to repeat it several times, and then, poof they were gone.
Great I thought that will be the end of it.
But it wasn't, they came a third time. By this time; I had wanted to know why it had taken so much work to squeek out Jesus. And the answer came to me that Jesus was not the son's name, but a gross miss-translation in the KJV. And I had sorta figured out that all the other names for the Son were wrong too, but the closest I could find was Yeshuwa. So on the third occasion I whispered that and got instant relief, but immediately I bound them, as instructed in the Word. Then I preached to them what I was gonna do if they came back. But I made a mistake; I cast them out, but didn't send them to any place specific.
So of course they returned.
The next time they came it was into my dreams, and I knew I was dreaming. Well said I, if I'm dreaming, can't I do anything in my dreams? And yes is the answer. There is no gravity when you don't want it, so you can fly, or walk or turn twigs into massive weapons, or perhaps whatever you can imagine. One thing was for sure, I was no longer paralyzed, and I was no longer afraid. Cuz I had the name, and I had the Faith, and I knew the procedure. In my dreams I knew I was dreaming, and I knew just what to do. And so I did it in the name of Yashuwah this time, bound them up and cast them into outter datkness. Poof, I woke up. And Man-Oh-Man was my faith increased.
Now, the Bible says that when you do this,then that spirit will wander the dry places and find seven (or ten I forget) like-minded and more evil, spirits, and will return to you, and if he finds your your temple empty, as in you didn't put something into the place where the evil-spirit was, then they will all jump in there and make it so much worse for you. So I filled up my house with the Word of God, and when they returned, I hit 'em hard, and I ain't seen 'em in over a year.
But getting back to blessing a house, yes you can ask God to bless it, but our prayers have to go thru the second heaven to get to the door to God's throne room...... and guess who owns the second heaven,hyup that is satan's domain.
Now recall that one of the greatest Prayer Warriors of all time, Daniel, Had the answer to his prayer stalled for 21 days, by the Prince of Persia, and it was only with the help of the Greatest ArchAngel, Michael, that the answer was delivered to Daniel.
So, IDK how this works for us; if the prayers get stalled on the way up, or they get stalled on the way down, whatever, the Greatest Prayer Warrior of all time, had his prayer stalled for 21days; how much longer will my prayers be stalled? IDK, said I, but I need relief right now.
So then, I personally, flesh and bone,according to my mandate from the leaving Son,Yashuwah is is name, went thru every room in my house and using the name, commanded those rooms as off-limits to any thing not of flesh and bone. Then for good measure, I loosed two Warrior-class Angels Tall and Mighty, to come down every night and guard my family, my house and everything that God has generously allowed me to be a steward of........
And it's been whisper quiet around here for about 13 months maybe more.

So yeah Science calls it night terrors, but Science has been corrupted and Yashuwah says it is " science falsely so called" . That's good enough for me.

Now, IDK if the Son's name is Yashuwah or something else, but My experience is that it worked instantly. And it works on everything that I have introduced it to.heehee; Including arthritis, headaches, gout, diabetes,runny noses, whatever. So, I am no longer afraid of the diseases of the Gentiles.If they come to me, I will deal with them in the same way. I was promised threescore and ten years; four score if by reason of good health. I'm claiming my 4 score, and then just like Moses, who was 130 and no feebleness in him, I'm going up the mountain to die; so to speak. If the world as we know it still exists at that time, no laughing matter. Every Believer should come to the same conclusion, if they study the Word.

Btw, I should tell you something;
In order for a Believer to receive forgiveness, we must first forgive others.
It's true that you can receive your Salvation just by asking, but it seems that you have to work to keep it, like Paul says "work out your Salvation". I know this may be contrary to what you may have been taught. But you will find this in 1st John I think, where he says that our belief gives us the power to become sons of God. To become is future tense. If you die at that moment or soon after without having committed any new sins, then , just as the thief on the cross was promised Paradise, so are you. But if you return to your old ways, and do not repent, then basically you are thumbing your nose at the finished work of the cross, making it of no effect, therefore God says he will make it ten times harder for you to return to your former status. So bottom line is yes you could lose your Salvation, making the doctrine of, once saved always saved, a false doctrine, and a tradition of men. There are many more, search them out for yourselves. The KJV is full of devices designed to lull pew-warming, waiting-for-the-rapture,Christians to sleep and to miss their ship.
So; now you got "A" name, if not the exact name, it surely works like it, and now you have the plan. All you need is some faith, to get it done. And Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the Word of God.
Three more things you gotta know,#1) there is something special about hearing. As in the connection to your spirit is different for hearing than for seeing; therefore is hearing repeated. #2) Faith in anything, comes by hearing. So if your grade school teacher says there were dinosaurs millions and millions of years ago, you might believe that. And if your grade-school teacher says the earth is a globe, you might believe that. And some teacher says the stars are billions of lightyears away, you might believe that.And if somebody tells you that you are evolved from slime, you might believe that. The point is this; from ears to faith is a direct link. and that introduces #3) read your Bible out loud if you want Faith, or get someone to read it to you. God says he has placed a veil between us and the Word. IMO, the way around the veil is by hearing. It sure as heck made a difference to my Faith. You cannot fight the enemy with thoughts, you have to SPEAK. Hearing and Speaking are your weapons. Get Faith, speak into the spirit dimension. Forgive everybody all the time, without exception and confess Yashuwah before men, that He may confess you before God. You wanna be on God's radar?, confess the Son before men. The Holy Spirit is listening and searching for the Word of God to be Spoken.
Hear and Speak.