Problems installing new pushrods!

Hi Carl,
Glad I was able to help. Just remember that 2-3 threads out is max. Every setup I did for my self or customer engines
with higher end aluminum rockers with geometry fixtures, the threads almost always ended up flush to the arm surface
on the under side or very near. Longer push rods and you are on the other side of the sweet spot and run the risk of the
cup hitting the arm surface, shorter rods and you will break off the balled adjuster and be on the other side of the sweet
spot. 1.6 ratio rockers stress the adjuster even more, as it moves the fulcrum point closer to the center pivot point. Your
length window for your push rod is even tighter.

The best way to check if your pushrods are the right length is to start your engine with the valve covers off. Watch your
pushrods at the rocker arm. If they move closer to the rocker shaft and away as they open and close the valve they are to
long or to short. They need to go straight up and down for correct geometry. Think about it, if the top of the rod is moving
back and forth that is why you bend/break pushrods. Worst case can even break the rocker at the shaft.

Take care and never lift,