Comp XE275HL Idle Vacuum

I know you're not nm9, you're a good guy. But honestly the 235 cam is IMO just not gonna explore the limit, and the tests I outlined will prove it.
I don't do autocross, but I do do dirt rally cross whenever I can, even if just for fun. On dirt/grass the speeds are way down, and I just stuff it in second and leave it there. This puts me in the top percentile of finishers. If I can't drain my booster hard-charging and two-footing the course, how is an automatic gonna?
Nevertheless,I capitulate to your experience.
And maybe for simple auto-x it is not really that critical... it won't get you in big trouble on such a course....just throw you off. It's just I've been there in a 'more critical' situation let's say.... when the 'oh *****!' come pretty fast, and you can see in your peripheral vision that the co-driver is hunkering down in his seat and bracing himself LOL