Is this the correct gasket?

I changed mine with the DMT gaskets as well, I think the age factor has more to the appearance of the old ones than anything, the parts of mine exposed to sunlight still looked like badly baked foam, while the rest of the gasket that had been compressed looked like rubber. My old ones had taken on the properties of rubber as well, I had to carefully soak what wouldn't peel out of the aluminum outer frame with chlorinated brake cleaner (Take great care to keep off of lenses!) and applied lots of elbow grease with a scraper. Re-installed with black 3M weatherstrip adhesive, and used paint stirrers with the tips wrapped in electrical tape to help push gaskets into place while slowly tightening assemblies into place. The new foam is the same thickness of the old foam, it needs a little help going into place when it's being compressed behind the edge flanges to keep it from pinching a roll out on the edges of the tail lamp lenses.
Thank you so much! It's a little concerning when the old stuff looks almost nothing like the new stuff other than the shake. I don't think I would have tripled guessed myself this much if replacement taillights weren't so damn expensive . Thank you for the tutorial!!!