Kindig's molesting a 67 Coronet

I'll be honest, I was worried about the end result of the Coronet as I'm not the biggest fan of the cars that spring from Kindig's mind, but after seeing the completed build, I can admit that I actually like it. Obviously I would like it more as a faithful stock restoration but that's just my taste, and there's lots of those around already so no tears shed for one going under the knife.

As mentioned above, their metal fab skills are amazing and it's interesting to watch the surgery happen... it would be more interesting to know exactly how long some of that work actually took to complete. Modifying the hood alone must have taken that guy a good week to do, if not more. No wonder the bills for the final products are deep into the six-figures... the labour-hour count must be massive!

At the end of the day, it's one more old Mopar resurrected (regardless of your personal opinion of the end result) and that has to be a good thing.