VIN search



Unretired Old Fart stock car racer
FABO Gold Member
Feb 14, 2016
Reaction score
Gloucester, Va
Looked on line with no luck. Is there a way to trace previous vehicle owners if you have the VIN?
If you go to the local police and ask you MAY get them to check the car for issues before you buy. I just got a clean bill of health for a car I was looking at that is a barn find. They ran the vin and cleared me for registration if I go that route. Sadly they would not give me previous owner history only it was not stolen, in a crash or wanted in any police controlled environment.

As for previous owners- contact the local DMV and they may work with you.
With old cars I wonder if places like Hagerty or Grundy have a service like that?
Up here in Ontario you can no sweat. Not much help to you though. Anytime you buy a used vehicle here you are required to buy($25) a UVIP(used vehicle info pkg) it's for liens/stolen purposes, but it comes in handy for other purposes. We can only search within our province.
For example, I can take anyone's vin(Ontario plates) to the License office pay and get their full name and how long they've owned the vehicle. I believe you get the town/city as well.
Up here in Ontario you can no sweat. Not much help to you though. Anytime you buy a used vehicle here you are required to buy($25) a UVIP(used vehicle info pkg) it's for liens/stolen purposes, but it comes in handy for other purposes. We can only search within our province.
For example, I can take anyone's vin(Ontario plates) to the License office pay and get their full name and how long they've owned the vehicle. I believe you get the town/city as well.

Complete vehicle history, or just the last owner?
As much Ontario info that is on file.
For example, if your car originally was sold and licensed in Ontario and you bought it 10 years ago, if I had your vin I could take it to licensing office and it will go back(I think to mid to late 80's) and give me owners up until you took it out of Ontario. Hope that makes sense?
Complete vehicle history, or just the last owner?
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As much Ontario info that is on file.
For example, if your car originally was sold and licensed in Ontario and you bought it 10 years ago, if I had your vin I could take it to licensing office and it will go back(I think to mid to late 80's) and give me owners up until you took it out of Ontario. Hope that makes sense?

More info than I can get down here Steve.
If previous owners haven't kept the string of information going, basically you are screwed from what I have found.
Lol, let's say someone is being a dick parked in handicap spot. I take down vin, spend $25 and find out who they are. Cant do that with plates. The history is strictly Ontario based.
More info than I can get down here Steve.
If previous owners haven't kept the string of information going, basically you are screwed from what I have found.
Thanks guys, figured I was out of luck. Bought the car 3 years ago, doing a restoration/modification now, but just wondered about the history.
If someone was violently killled in the car years ago. Would you wanna know that?
Looked on line with no luck. Is there a way to trace previous vehicle owners if you have the VIN?

You can post the VIN here, some prior owners do wonder what happened to their former car at times.

Some even have original paperwork like window stickers, broadcast sheets etc. that they want to give to the cars current owner.

Post the full VIN in the thread title so it shows up in any internet searches any former owner may make.

You can also post about your search at Lost & Found, Clubs, Businesses, Jobs | Moparts Forums - the engine & transmission thread alone has had over 1.5 million views since it was started.

Some people are negative all the time, others are here to help where they can. :)
All there ever is from him/her is a frickin pic of an unmounted 6pk and lately a 8 3/4. And the negative "numbers dont matter" bs.
It truly does.

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that sees it, thank you.
It truly does.

I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that sees it, thank you.

Alaskan_TA being negative is a state of mind. I personally balance on the fence dependent on the people I am with that day. (“You are the fish you swim with” my mother would say) my wife is truly positive which helps keep me level and smiling MOST of the time. I’ve watched posts on this site and watch it go back and forth. It’s easy to hammer someone when others have started to throw stones as well.
When the post goes totally negative then I just walk away. All I can say is you are truely a helpful person since I’ve been reading your posts and for that I am grateful.

I’m not looking to blow sunshine out anyone’s butt; but the paranoia with putting stuff “out there” like license plates or vin numbers is scary because of the “what if’s” I see it here all the time- people smudge out their license plates in pictures all the time because “somebody else can trace it back to their house and steal their car.” Not sure how many times that has happened but I’ve never known anyone who has had that happened. I hope I have not gone off track- get it... “off track” and talking cars- lol!
Any how life is a major chore and for everyone on this site I recommend keep smiling. It’s too short. We are here for a small clip of time. Enjoy it! Keep up the good work.