Consumer Beware

Manufacturers make what they think will sell. Consumers vote for or against with their wallets. If it sells, it keeps being offered. If it doesn’t, it goes away.

It’s just business...nothing more.

Don’t like it, don’t buy it. But if others do like it (as they are entitled to decide for themselves) then it will remain on the shelves. But don’t complain about it being on the shelf...nobody is forcing you to buy it.

How true. I've endured several tongue lashings over the years about products some customers found unacceptable. I simply explained to them, it was not my place to tell customers what they could or couldn't purchase. It was my job to provide the products my customers desired. I had one customer get pretty irate over a certain brand of hot dog I carried. His opinion was they weren't fit to eat, and practically demanded I quit carrying them. I explained to him that I agreed with him, but seeing as I sold a pallet of them every month, obviously several other customers had a different opinion.