[FOR SALE] Carter Competition Series Thermo-Quad

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These race carbs should, as I know it, all have the press in Jets.
If my eyes are not playing tricks on me, then that is the 1000 cfm version. The tell tale is the single booster in the primaries. It also appears to have no venturi. In order to achieve 1000 cfm carter deleted a booster ring and mad the primary throttle bores straight.

This is correct. ^^^^^^ It is the 1000 CFM version. Also, FWIW, Mopar never rated any Thermoquad at 750. The small primary carbs were 800 and the large primary carbs were 850.
Here are some more pics. Due to the response and doubt surrounding this carb, I thought a tear down was necessary to see if anyone can nail down what it is. Thank all of you for interest and conversation.
From what I remember, both had the booster ring removed. But it seems like everyone agrees on this unit as the 1,000.

This did turn into the most interesting for sale ad/tech thread ever.
I remember in 1994 at a swap meet a guy had 3 NOS the box ones for sale and they were cheap, I was only 16 and didn’t think much of them...they had decals on the top plate of the carb, the OP pic is missing the decals, they went on the flat rectangle areas....



So, after sifting through the collective information, is it safe to say this is a 1969 version, 1000 cfm? If so, apparently I need a little guidance as to value? Again, thanks to all!
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Price drop, 375 shipped to you. I really hate to even think about selling this. Took me years to find it. Now it sits. Would have loved to try it on my 426 gen 3. It needs headers before a carb. I could try selling on e-bay, but, f@!#$k that. Someone here, someone worthy, needs this carb.
I won't give it away. BUT, if someone makes a reasonable offer, it will be considered.
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