Early A-body steering wheels- pics please


The painted wheels look really nice. Very 196x ish for sure. My 66’ was a manual steer car with the wood grain steering wheel I converted to power steering back in 1989. I wish the wood grain factory wheel was reproduced but smaller in diameter. With it and power steering the steering is now too easy to turn. Plus at 6’ tall the wheel is tough to get in and out of the car. A smaller diameter wheel would be easier.

On my Demon- I bought the repopped version of the tuff wheel like 10 years ago to replace the original.
It IS smaller than the original one by like 2” and makes driving it so much better. Less float and more road feel. I’ve already swapped the steering boxes for the firm feel level 2 boxes on both. That helped a lot also. Big money but helps. It’s tighter feeling and actually feels like a more modern car driving. (Like rack and pinion)

Anyhow sorry for side tracking your post. Great pictures everyone!