Stop in for a cup of coffee

The oldest kid adopted a cat a week ago sunday... Brought it home and it hid under my tool box in the living room that night... We didn't see it after that for over three days, so we were worried that it snuck out of our house in the severe cold...

I left the basement door open for a bit on purpose just in case when helping the younger son get the trailer fixed up and packed for his trip Saturday, we come in at night and see a poop in the litter box....

We weren't being careful to close the door to the garage a few times, leaving it cracked a little, but not enough for it to fit through,. I was worried that it may have gotten out...

But last night getting home after watching the super bowl, there was a super huge poop in the box.... :eek: :wtf:

It was so big, I almost thought it was the dog and wondered how he got it in the litter box...

Anyway, we searched the house and found the cat in the front closet...

The kid took it in the front bathroom with the litter box so it could not hide again and was petting it to let it get used to him...

Glad the cat did not get out in the severe cold and freeze to death or get eaten by the coyotes...