Stop in for a cup of coffee

Cool! Beer,women and gasolinepowered vechicles saved me from the sports all those years back but i sure miss it alot.
This was just recreational with my significantly better half who always said she hated iceskating.
Got about 30minutes on ice doing mostly leftturns,i feel like a nascardriver now :D Im certainly far from where i used to be and took babysteps in advancing my skills since i have forgoten how to fall correctly but man it feelt good to still be able to do long turns while still skating fot over fot( i have no idea about the correct english word for it but i guess you know what im trying to say)
Also did a few not so fast transitions from forward to backwards with your words firmly planted in the back of my mind avoiding to fall over,while trying to teach my fantastic woman how to learn the most basic things it took a while but i think she started to get somewhat comfortable with keeping her knees bent and weight on the front of the skates at the end.
You are perfectly right i realy should get a brainbucket, but i could not find one that fited my head any good in the local store but i realy should get one before i get all to secure and make a misstake on the ice,oh and i need to get a stick again also. Skates sure have come a long way but i sure miss my old Graf 705 from back then they where awesome.

Haha memories,most games i played where civlized but there where a few that derailed totaly one in particular was a total disaster, it was the players fault but the referee should have aborted the gave after the first 20minutes or so where he lost conntrol of a B-junior game in the third division, we rarely had more than a few parents in the stands watching the games,before the game ended we had had 3 ambulances visiting picking up broken players and the whole building was overfilled with people watching what was supposed to be a game that had turned into a sluggish barbaric game of ugly hits and all cheapshots you can imagine and fights with both teams never having more than 4 players on the ice. Just terrible.
Hah! Welcome back on the ice. The English word you were looking for on foot over foot we call a crossover. And yes I knew exactly what you were trying to Say! Now you will need to remember the hockey stop! Be sure and practice it from both sides! And you are spot on teaching her to bend and keep weight where it needs to be. To many folks won't bend at the knee and skate straight up, they make a much better target! Hah! Have fun be safe and the skates today are really nice. I wore a set of "tacks" for many many years.