Anyone else get a tax statement from Summit Racing?

I've got a well and septic, own a gun so I can defend myself, own a 4wd and a tractor, so who needs a road, got a garden hose so I can put out my own fire, raise cattle, chickens and a garden. My kids are out of school. So, I can be self sufficient and reliant. Not my problem if there are people who cant fo that. Oh, and I hate my neighbors cause they are drug addicts, so why pay taxes to support lops of ***** that cant provide for themselves? Cause they ain't working or paying taxes. Maybe if we weren't supporting illegal immigrants with the taxes we get forced to pay I'd be more in. But hey, that's just my opinion.
Then unplug your computer, turn off your power and create your own electricity and internet and hope others living on their little islands do the same so you can connect with someone somewhere...maybe.

Infrastructure isn’t free but if you believe you can do with out it, then do without ALL of it.