Seed truck??

He's got it on Craigslist for the last 3 weeks or so of course not at that price but he's done with it and he's moving at the end of the month so it's kind of a fire sale for him too. I think he's like the school teacher or something and really knows nothing about mechanics. Not giving me the feeling that he's lying to me about it starting and running. Those U-Haul trailers don't have ratchet deals on them to pull them up and take them off so I'm almost positive he had to drive it on and drive it off.

What he has 'into it' is only relevant from the standpoint of his emotions - nothing to do with the value.

The closer it gets to him needing to move, the more pressure he'll have to sell it (vs. paying someone to haul it off)

Time is on your side (unless someone else decided to buy it)