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There was nothing out the squirters. Just read I'll go out and tap the sides of the carb with a rubber mallet. I remembered that helped a couple times before when I was having problems. If the car runs every few days it never has a problem. If it sits for a couple weeks then there is a problem.
OK. Plunger type pump. The inlet for the accel pump is relatively high. If the fuel in the bowl is low, the inlet is exposed to air. Worse if the seal on the plunger isn't.
Tapping it shouldn't do a damn thing unless there is so much varnish from old fuel drying that stuff is sticking badly.

Fill the bowl the way Ben Drinkin suggests.
And Mike is right about today's fuel. A higher percentage of it will vaporize at lower temperatures than when these cars were new. It varies from winter to summer and state to state and even within state but its all crappy, just some is crappier. Winter fuel is always worse, with higher vapor pressure allowances.