Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oh it’s not that. It was company policy. Only way to be promoted was to apply for said promotion at one of the other facilities. Being there was only one facility in Indiana, that meant moving out of state, something niether my wife or me wanted to do. The policy as it was explained was to not confused students and to ensure proper amount of respect was shown for newly made managers
Company policy? That’s what a follower uses as an excuse not to lead.

They promote you? No, you take the promotion from them on your terms whether they want to give it to you or not.

Leaders carve new paths that never existed before and make the World their own.

How do you think I made it from a lab assistant to a senior executive?

It happened by not waiting for anyone to give me permission to plow a new path or grant me permission to operate at the next level.

I broke every rule at the highly rigid DuPont company regarding career path and went from lab assistant to senior lab technician in less than 3 years. Their normal path was 12-15 years to do that. I even broke their salary rules and forced them to make exceptions to give me 50% more raise at each level based on my performance and leadership. I even got the attention of the CEO in a company of 147,000 people who flew in specifically to meet me.

The future is what you make it to be.