670 Street Avenger and Flat Cam Lobe

Well I didn't get much time at all with the carb and the cam that was in it is an old purpleshaft 484/284. I got it off of ebay and it was suppose to be factory rebuilt. We got it on there and got a quick idle adjustment and then tried to go down the road with it. After about 5 seconds of getting on it we had the popping noise and the flat cam. It was not doing what it is doing now though. It seemed okay.

The cam that is in it now is a Comp Cams XE284H 507/511 240,246 at 050.

The reason why I was trying a different carb is that the AVS2 stubles right when you first nail the throttle. If not for that it ran great. I had tried changing the adjustment to have the accelerator pump give a longer short. It didn't fix that.

In my opinion, tuning that 670 is going to require some modifications to the idle circuit for your purposes. The's a pretty big camshaft for a 318. What's the rest of the combo? I know this doesn't answer you questions, but I really don't like SA's on modified engines. Can you tell? LOL