Top frame parts

You are able to do a lot of things I would not try. I will trace the one I have and send you a copy. At this point I just painted the parts for the top frame and now have to figure out how to put it back together. If you have any pictures of the top frame with the top removed I would appreciate them. My car is in a shop on another property I own that is a short drive from my house but we have been getting snowed in every day this week so I am shovelling snow instead of working on the car.

Naw, Not really able to do things other people can't , I'm just too broke to pay other people to do things:lol: So I'm sort of forced to do it.
You valiant is just a little bit different on the top material itself but almost a duplicate of the Frame parts. here is the back mounting position that is critical in aligning the top to A pillar (windshield frame)raising or lowering the big screw and toothed plate shifts it left or right DSCF2958.JPG

here is most of the metal that has the seals in them

another view of the way the metal is mounted to the frame


full "ish" view of the complete top with bows(hey ignore the seat on there I took it out to test fit the top well) and see if my power windows really did work