Is It This Bad Elsewhere? How Do People Drive Where You Live?

Around here you need to be doing 10-15mph over the speed limit. If not you get run over. I do my 5 mph over. If someone tailgates me I just slow down to the speed limit. And if that doesn't work I go under. I'm never in a rush to get where I'm going. I love pissing people off.
I could write a book on all the crap I see around here. Like a school bus cutting through a parking lot to skip a traffic light.
You are the problem. You are the reason that people get angry and rage on others. Your sense of entitlement is the cancer of society. If someone closes in on you, you are obstructing traffic. Quit being a self appointed traffic monitor and get the hell out of the way. Your actions are not helping anyone. It is likely that one day, you will be hurt or killed by someone that is having a really bad day. Your time will run out. It could be 2 years from now, it could be tomorrow. Is that how you want to check out? Being ran off the road because of an incident that you created?