Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well we are back in Fargo from visit home to Ark. daughter drove over so no need to get into North East corner of State to see our hero. He is roughly 4 hours away from where we were.
Time flew by, we baby sat grandkids the whole time. Looked at some different areas to retire (again) into. Spent a lot of time with my dad who is starting to deteriorate a bit, he is 78.
Highlight of trip was a back room tour of the Nighthawk custom pistol facility in Berryville Ark. They build some of the nicest pistols on the planet. Many many moons ago when Bill Wilson was still working out of his dads jewelery shop yours truly did most of his welding for his new hobby of custom guns. My boss and him were buddies so I got pimped out for my heliarc skills all the time. We all used to compete with each other in local pistol matches.
The Nighthawk boys are a bunch of X Wilson guys I think. Anyway I went to both shops and drooled all over some very nice pistols. No way on earth I am back reading, holy smokes I think you guys laid down almost 100 pages while we were on vacation! Go fast turn left!
Well welcome back!